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A blockchain is a technology that allows information to be stored and transmitted transparently, securely and without a central control body. Its content is public and is reproduced on millions of computers, which contributes to the indestructible character of its content.

An NFT - Non Fungible Token - is a unique computer certificate (token) that represents a digital file or physical object. Each token has its own identifier and value, which distinguishes it from all other tokens. Because each NFT is unique, it is held and exchanged individually. It can be traced throughout its existence since it is traded on a decentralized blockchain, which tracks all transactions. The blockchain is public and cannot be altered.

A wallet can be compared to a bank account. It allows you to store and manage your crypto-assets in the same way as a bank account. The transactions in crypto-currency are registered in the blockchain. The public key acts as an IBAN, authorising the sending of crypto-currencies to your wallet. A private key is used as an access code to the balance on the wallet.

Smart contracts are irrevocable computer programs that rely on blockchain technology to make their terms and conditions of execution unforgeable. The main idea behind the concept of smart contracts is to guarantee the binding nature of contracts through the transparency and the non-destructible nature of the computer code. Smart contracts keep track of "which wallet holds which NFT".

Minting an NFT means creating a unique digital asset on the blockchain. Minting an NFT, consists in registering your digital work on the blockchain, unchangeable and inviolable, via a smart contract. The platforms that allow you to create NFTs are interfaces in which you can enter information about your work and choose its characteristics. They then take care of coding the smart contract linked to this NFT, then they register the smart contract on the blockchain. Once a file, which can be an image, a video, a sound, an animated file, etc. is minted, it is impossible to change it. Before an NFT is created, it is simply a file on a computer.

The Ethereum Foundation, which is at the forefront of environmental issues, made a switch in 2022 from Ethereum to a new cryptographic transaction validation technology that requires much less energy. It has therefore reduced its carbon emission by more than 99%!

The NFiniTi platform was created and developed by two teams united by years of work together. The 42x Labs company of Hong Kong team excelling on the technical aspects and PixWays based in Paris, a central player of the professional photography ecosystem in Europe. With the aim to create a worldwide recognized platform, we decided to base NFiniTi in Singapore, one of the Web3 capitals of the world.

NFiniTi is based on the Ethereum blockchain. Launched in 2015, Ethereum is the second most valuable blockchain after Bitcoin. It is secure, and is used by millions of people around the world.

Authors, agencies and galleries will be in charge of editing the collection. A team of experts and personalities from the world of photography - regularly interchanged - will validate their choices.

On NFiniTi, the photographer - or his representative - chooses a photograph and decides to create from this image 1, 3, 5, 8, 15, 30 NFTs in general (other numbers possible). Once this decision is made, the platform will refuse to create an additional NFiniT of the same image.

4 distinct licenses are available on NFiniTi:
● NFiniT for Personal Use (NPU)
● NFiniT with right to Print by Owner (NPO)
● NFiniT with one Collectible Bundle (NCB)
● NFiniT with Full Commercial licence (NFC)

This license gives the owner of the image associated with the NFiniT, the right to own, show, display on all electronic devices, social accounts, metaverse, etc. Such display is intended for private use only. This right does not allow any modification of the original artwork whatsoever. It excludes the right to reproduce the image. The license is inheritable by the estate of the owner and is transferred with the sale of the NFiniT. The link to the license is immutable and can be found on IPFS: ipfs://bafkreibnhgeuapcg5idbxb5oi4w3amgso3x6cm6lnv7ut5aywoodza5joi

This license gives the owner all the rights associated with the NPU as well as the right to reproduce the work included in the NFiniT as is, and without modifications, once only per each successive owner:
● in one of the formats defined in the license;
● in a number of copies defined in the license;
● via one of the printers certified by NFiniTi as indicated on the platform;
● without the possibility of selling with the NFiniT. The owner can sell the print freely but without the NFiniT;
● these prints will not be signed or numbered.

The link to the license is immutable and can be found on IPFS: ipfs://bafkreihieo6ydbmx6jhb6r6wwkdvpeeyfxx627n44upidezgsu3pfb4imq

This license gives the owner of the image associated with the NFiniT, the right to own, show, display on all electronic devices, social accounts, metaverse etc. Such display is intended for private use only. This right does not allow any modification of the original whatsoever. It excludes the right to reproduce the image. The license is inheritable by the estate and is transferred with the sale of the NFiniT. The sale includes the delivery of a free physical collectible (print, plate, book…) or an experience (for example invitation to an event). As this is a free gift, the objects can be used and be resold with or without the NFiniT, according to the conditions attached to it. The link to the license is immutable and can be found on IPFS: ipfs://bafkreianp5763ppgug6vzwzx3gr6qe5ie7pmp3jz6c5nji7jalxzclckdu

This license gives the full, non-exclusive, commercial rights to use the image in any commercial venture on both physical and digital media. The license excludes the right to modify the image and requires full compliance with the moral rights of the creator as defined under European law. The link to the license is immutable and can be found on IPFS: ipfs://bafkreiarfzu3cymwv4x6cpt2n4xcadinlpebe7t7xo4udi5tugd3eo4wse

The wallets that can be used are:
Metamask: the most well-known
WalletConnect: which provides access to over 100 different wallets for those who want to create a wallet associated with a social login such as Facebook or Linkedin

A blockchain is a technology that allows information to be stored and transmitted transparently, securely and without a central control body. Its content is public and is reproduced on millions of computers, which contributes to the indestructible character of its content.

An NFT - Non Fungible Token - is a unique computer certificate (token) that represents a digital file or physical object. Each token has its own identifier and value, which distinguishes it from all other tokens. Because each NFT is unique, it is held and exchanged individually. It can be traced throughout its existence since it is traded on a decentralized blockchain, which tracks all transactions. The blockchain is public and cannot be altered.

A wallet can be compared to a bank account. It allows you to store and manage your crypto-assets in the same way as a bank account. The transactions in crypto-currency are registered in the blockchain. The public key acts as an IBAN, authorising the sending of crypto-currencies to your wallet. A private key is used as an access code to the balance on the wallet.

Smart contracts are irrevocable computer programs that rely on blockchain technology to make their terms and conditions of execution unforgeable. The main idea behind the concept of smart contracts is to guarantee the binding nature of contracts through the transparency and the non-destructible nature of the computer code. Smart contracts keep track of "which wallet holds which NFT".

Minting an NFT, means creating a unique digital asset on the blockchain. Minting an NFT, consists in registering your digital work on the blockchain, unchangeable and inviolable, via a smart contract. The platforms that allow you to create NFTs are interfaces in which you can enter information about your work and choose its characteristics. They then take care of coding the smart contract linked to this NFT, then they register the smart contract on the blockchain. Once a file, which can be an image, a video, a sound, an animated file, etc. is minted, it is impossible to change it. Before an NFT is created, it is simply a file on a computer.

The Ethereum Foundation, which is at the forefront of environmental issues, made a switch in 2022 from Ethereum to a new cryptographic transaction validation technology that requires much less energy. It has therefore reduced its carbon emission by more than 99%!

The NFiniTi platform was created and developed by two teams united by years of work together. The 42x Labs company of Hong Kong team excelling on the technical aspects and PixWays based in Paris a central player of the professional photography ecosystem in Europe. With the aim to create a worldwide recognized platform, we decided to base NFiniTi in Singapore, one of the Web3 capitals of the world.

NFiniTi is based on the Ethereum blockchain. Launched in 2015, Ethereum is the second most valuable blockchain after Bitcoin. It is secure, and is used by millions of people around the world.

Authors, agencies and galleries will be in charge of editing the collection. A team of experts and personalities from the world of photography - regularly interchanged - will validate their choices.

On NFiniTi, the photographer - or his representative - chooses a photograph and decides to create from this image 1, 3, 5, 8, 15, 30 NFTs in general (other numbers possible). Once this decision is made, the platform will refuse to create an additional NFiniT of the same image.

4 distinct licenses are available on NFiniTi:
● NFiniT for Personal Use (NPU)
● NFiniT with right to Print by Owner (NPO)
● NFiniT with one Collectible Bundle (NCB)
● NFiniT with Full Commercial licence (NFC)

This license gives the owner of the image associated with the NFiniT, the right to own, show, display on all electronic devices, social accounts, metaverse, etc. Such display is intended for private use only. This right does not allow any modification of the original artwork whatsoever. It excludes the right to reproduce the image. The license is inheritable by the estate of the owner and is transferred with the sale of the NFiniT. The link to the license is immutable and can be found on IPFS:

This license gives the owner all the rights associated with the NPU as well as the right to reproduce the work included in the NFiniT as is, and without modifications, once only per each successive owner:
● in one of the formats defined in the license;
● in a number of copies defined in the license;
● via one of the printers certified by NFiniTi as indicated on the platform;
● without the possibility of selling with the NFiniT. The owner can sell the print freely but without the NFiniT;
● these prints will not be signed or numbered.

The link to the license is immutable and can be found on IPFS:

This license gives the owner of the image associated with the NFiniT, the right to own, show, display on all electronic devices, social accounts, metaverse etc. Such display is intended for private use only. This right does not allow any modification of the original whatsoever. It excludes the right to reproduce the image. The license is inheritable by the estate and is transferred with the sale of the NFiniT. The sale includes the delivery of a free physical collectible (print, plate, book) or an experience (for example invitation to an event). As this is a free gift, the objects can be used and be resold with or without the NFiniT, according to the conditions attached to it. The link to the license is immutable and can be found on IPFS:

This license gives the full, non-exclusive, commercial rights to use the image in any commercial venture on both physical and digital media. The license excludes the right to modify the image and requires full compliance with the moral rights of the creator as defined under European law. The link to the license is immutable and can be found on IPFS:

The wallets that can be used are:
Metamask: the most well-known
WalletConnect: which provides access to over 100 different wallets for those who want to create a wallet associated with a social login such as Facebook or Linkedin

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